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Take the compatibility test ssl
See your compatibility rating
Follow our customised tips based on your answers to the test
It's up to you, fall in love and get married
How it works
  1. Take the test
  2. See your compatibility rating
  3. Follow our customised tips
  4. Lifelong compatibility
  • 87.9% reliability rate
  • over 50,000 tests taken
  • 93% satisfied customers
  • The n° 1 love compatibility test in France

What is love compatibility?

Every relationship is different. How can you tell if you have found the right person?
The love compatibility test will give you a compatibility rating with your partner after answering a series of key questions. These tests first appeared in the United States in the early 2000s and have just arrived in Europe.
The test always comes with expert help to guide the participants in the little details that make such a big difference.
Because very often, when two people are in love, the success of their relationship depends on quite insignificant details.

Is the test reliable?

These tests first appeared in the United States in the early 2000s and were initially controversial, but later serious studies were carried out, leading to improved procedures and very reliable results.
After a number of tests, a serious study was carried out on a sample of 10,000 people in the US between 2005 and 2007 over a period of 6 months. Each time, the results were conclusive, with a reliability rating of 87.9% for the sample.
The MYTRUECOMPANION test includes over 37 criteria, a first in Europe.
Ratings from the MYTRUECOMPANION test that are higher or equal to 7 (on a scale from 1 to 10) resulted in marriage within two years of the test, just as ratings equal or lower than 3 resulted in a separation within 6 months of the test.


Between 1993 and 1996, in France, there were 155,000 separations on average each year. Fifteen years later, between 2009 and 2012, the number of separations reached 253,000 a year. An increase of 63%. At the end of 2013, one out of three people aged between 26 and 65 currently in a relationship had already experienced a separation.
Fewer and fewer couples go the distance. In the 1980s, 70% of couples aged 20 to 31 stayed together for at least 15 years. In the 1990s, the percentage had fallen to 65%. Five year after they move in together, 20% of couples have split up. After ten years, 27%. 50% of couples will not stay together for more than 35 years. According to INSEE estimations, 40% of people born between 1978 and 1987, and who have already lived with someone, stayed with their first partner for under ten years, compared with 16 % of people born between 1948 and 1957.

Our members' stories:

There is no better proof of our results than our customers' experiences. For us they are a real source of satisfaction for the efforts we make in our work and also show us that our service really works. Each story is different, and each time it is a source of joy to help our customers find their love compatibility.

Find out more


The MY-TRUE-COMPANION concept has just arrived from the United States. It is a chance to test your love compatibility with your partner by giving yourself a rating from 1 to 10. If the rating is equal to or higher than 7 : this means that your relationship has a good chance of working out and you are compatible. With this in mind, MY-TRUE-COMPANION offers support over a period of 3, 6 or 9 months, depending on your rating and your wishes. This support will help you get through the different steps in the life of a couple, which are generally harmless but essential obstacles. If the rating is equal to or lower than 3 : this means that your couple has a limited chance of working out. MY-TRUE-COMPANION does not offer support services in this case.

Anonymous and safe

All data transmitted to MY-TRUE-COMPANION are protected under prevailing laws, in other words, no information can be transmitted in any way without your agreement.
We also use the SSL cryptographic protocol to protect your data from unsolicited intrusion.

All data transmitted to MY-TRUE-COMPANION are protected under prevailing laws, in other words, no information can be transmitted in any way without your agreement.
We also use the SSL cryptographic protocol to protect your data from unsolicited intrusion.